
Printable GMAT Vocabulary Builder - List 20

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1 penurious (adjective satellite) excessively unwilling to spend; "parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses"; "lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence"

(adjective satellite) not having enough money to pay for necessities

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2 perceptive (adjective) having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment; "a perceptive eye"; "a perceptive observation"

(adjective) of or relating to perception; "perceptive faculties"

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3 percussion (noun) the act of exploding a percussion cap

(noun) the act of playing a percussion instrument

(noun) tapping a part of the body for diagnostic purposes

(noun) the section of a band or orchestra that plays percussion instruments

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4 perdition (noun) (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment; "Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell"- John Milton; "a demon from the depths of the pit"

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5 peremptory (adjective satellite) putting an end to all debate or action; "a peremptory decree"

(adjective satellite) not allowing contradiction or refusal; "spoke in peremptory tones"; "peremptory commands"

(adjective satellite) offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; "an autocratic person"; "autocratic behavior"; "a bossy way of ordering others around"; "a rather aggressive and dominating character"; "managed the employees in an aloof magisteri

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6 perfidious (adjective satellite) tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans; "Punic faith"; "the perfidious Judas"; "the fiercest and most treacherous of foes"; "treacherous intrigues"

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7 perfunctory (adjective satellite) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws"; "a passing glance"; "perfunctory courtesy"

(adjective satellite) as a formality only; "a one-candidate pro forma election"

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8 peripheral (noun) (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; "disk drives and printers are important peripherals"

(adjective) on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area; "Russia's peripheral provinces"; "peripheral suburbs"

(adjective satellite) related to the key issue but not of central importance; "a peripheral interest"; "energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy"; "peripheral issues"

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9 perjury (noun) criminal offense of making false statements under oath

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10 permeable (adjective) allowing (especially liquids) to pass or diffuse through; "permeable membranes"; "rock that is permeable by water"

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11 pernicious (adjective satellite) working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way; "glaucoma is an insidious disease"; "a subtle poison"

(adjective satellite) exceedingly harmful

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12 perpetual (adjective satellite) occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted; "a child's incessant questions"; "your perpetual (or continual) complaints"

(adjective satellite) uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing; "the ceaseless thunder of surf"; "in constant pain"; "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"; "the never-ending search for happiness"; "the perpetual struggle to maintain standar

(adjective satellite) continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven"

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13 perquisite (noun) a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right); "suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males"

(noun) an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right); "a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job"

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14 pertinent (adjective satellite) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply"

(adjective satellite) having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand; "a list of articles pertinent to the discussion"; "remarks that were to the point"

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15 peruse (verb) examine or consider with attention and in detail; "Please peruse this report at your leisure"

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16 pervade (verb) spread or diffuse through; "An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration"; "music penetrated the entire building"

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17 pervasive (adjective satellite) spreading throughout; "armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations"; "the pervasive odor of garlic"; "an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion"

(adjective satellite) spread throughout; "a pervasive anxiety overshadows the triumphs of individuals"

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18 pessimism (noun) a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things

(noun) the feeling that things will turn out badly

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19 petty (adjective satellite) contemptibly narrow in outlook; "petty little comments"; "disgusted with their small-minded pettiness"

(adjective satellite) (informal terms) small and of little importance; "a fiddling sum of money"; "a footling gesture"; "our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war"; "a little (or small) matter"; "Mickey Mouse regulations"; "a dispute over nig

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20 petulant (adjective satellite) easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen"

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21 phenomenon (noun) any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning

(noun) a remarkable development

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22 philanthropy (noun) voluntary promotion of human welfare

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23 phlegmatic (adjective satellite) showing little emotion; "a phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man"

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24 phobia (noun) an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias"

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25 pied (adjective satellite) having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"

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26 pinioned (adjective satellite) bound fast especially having the arms restrained

(adjective satellite) (of birds) especially having the flight feathers

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27 pious (adjective) having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity; "pious readings"

(adjective satellite) devoutly religious; "a god-fearing and law-abiding people" H.L.Mencken

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28 pique (noun) tightly woven fabric with raised cords

(noun) a sudden outburst of anger; "his temper sparked like damp firewood"

(verb) cause to feel resentment or indignation; "Her tactless remark offended me"

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29 pithy (adjective satellite) concise and full of meaning; "welcomed her pithy comments"; "the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams"- Hervey Allen

(adverb) in a pithy sententious manner; "she expressed herself pithily"

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30 pittance (noun) an inadequate payment; "they work all day for a mere pittance"

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31 placate (verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of; "She managed to mollify the angry customer"

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32 placid (adjective satellite) free from disturbance; "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruf

(adjective satellite) taking life easy; "an easygoing man rarely stirred to anger"; "an air of placid sufficiency"

(adjective satellite) without untoward incident or disruption; "a placid existence"; "quiet times"

(adjective satellite) not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite the repeated delays"

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33 plaintive (adjective satellite) expressing sorrow

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34 platonic (adjective satellite) free from physical desire; "platonic love"

(adjective) of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy; "Platonic dialogues"

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35 plausible (adjective satellite) appearing to merit belief or acceptance; "a credible witness"; "a plausible story"

(adjective satellite) within the realm of credibility; "not a very likely excuse"; "a plausible story"

(adjective) likely but not certain to be or become true or real; "a likely result"; "he foresaw a probable loss"

(adjective) apparently reasonable and valid

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36 plenary (adjective satellite) full in all respects; "a plenary session of the legislature"; "a diplomat with plenary powers"

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37 plethora (noun) extreme excess; "an embarrassment of riches"

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38 plumb (noun) the metal bob of a plumb line

(verb) adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical

(verb) examine thoroughly and in great depth

(verb) measure the depth of something

(verb) weight with lead

(adjective satellite) exactly vertical; "the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb"

(adverb) completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out"

(adverb) exactly; "fell plumb in the middle of the puddle"

(adverb) conforming to the direction of a plumb line

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39 polemic (noun) a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma)

(noun) a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)

(adjective satellite) of or involving dispute or controversy

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40 polemicist (noun) a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)

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41 pommel (noun) an ornament in the shape of a ball on the hilt of a sword or dagger

(noun) handgrip formed by the raised front part of a saddle

(noun) a handgrip that a gymnast uses when performing exercises on a pommel horse

(verb) strike, usually with the fist; "The pedestrians pummeled the demonstrators"

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42 ponderous (adjective satellite) having great mass and weight and unwieldiness; "a ponderous stone"; "a ponderous burden"; "ponderous weapons"

(adjective satellite) slow and laborious because of weight; "the heavy tread of tired troops"; "moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot"; "ponderous prehistoric beasts"; "a ponderous yawn"

(adjective satellite) labored and dull; "a ponderous speech"

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43 portend (verb) indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"

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44 potable (noun) any liquid suitable for drinking; "may I take your beverage order?"

(adjective satellite) of alcoholic beverages that are suitable for drinking; "it's an impudent young wine but I think you will find it quite potable"

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45 potent (adjective) having a strong physiological or chemical effect; "a potent toxin"; "potent liquor"; "a potent cup of tea"

(adjective) (of a male) able to copulate

(adjective satellite) having or wielding force or authority; "providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons"

(adjective satellite) having the power to influence or convince; "a cogent analysis of the problem"; "potent arguments"

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46 pragmatic (adjective satellite) concerned with practical matters; "a matter-of-fact (or pragmatic) approach to the problem"; "a matter-of-fact account of the trip"

(adjective satellite) guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory; "a hardheaded appraisal of our position"; "a hard-nosed labor leader"; "completely practical in his approach to business"; "not ideology but pragmatic politics"

(adjective) of or concerning the theory of pragmatism

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47 prate (noun) idle or foolish and irrelevant talk

(verb) speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

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48 prattle (noun) idle or foolish and irrelevant talk

(verb) speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

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49 precarious (adjective satellite) affording no ease or reassurance; "a precarious truce"

(adjective satellite) fraught with danger; "dangerous waters"; "a parlous journey on stormy seas"; "a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat"; "the precarious life of an undersea diver"; "dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery"

(adjective satellite) not secure; beset with difficulties; "a shaky marriage"

(adjective satellite) dangerously insecure; "a precarious footing on the ladder"

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50 precept (noun) a doctrine that is taught; "the teachings of religion"; "he believed all the Christian precepts"

(noun) rule of personal conduct

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