
Printable SAT Vocabulary Builder - List 55

SAT - Flashcards - Multiple Choice Questions - SHOW ME LIST 55

1 characterize (verb) describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"

(verb) be characteristic of; "What characterizes a Venetian painting?"

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2 omnipotence (noun) the state of being omnipotent; having unlimited power

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3 occurrence (noun) an event that happens

(noun) an instance of something occurring; "a disease of frequent occurrence"; "the occurrence (or presence) of life on other planets"

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4 impugn (verb) attack as false or wrong

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5 orthogonal (adjective satellite) having a set of mutually perpendicular axes; meeting at right angles; "wind and sea may displace the ship's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes"; "a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system"

(adjective satellite) statistically unrelated

(adjective satellite) not pertinent to the matter under consideration; "an issue extraneous to the debate"; "the price was immaterial"; "mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point"

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6 unyoke (verb) remove the yoke from; "unyoke the cow"

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7 magnificent (adjective satellite) characterized by or attended with brilliance or grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony"

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8 mandatory (noun) a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they ar able to stand by themselves

(noun) the recipient of a mandate

(adjective satellite) required by rule; "in most schools physical education are compulsory"; "attendance is mandatory"; "required reading"

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9 coagulate (verb) change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state; "coagulated blood"

(verb) cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state

(adjective satellite) transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass; "coagulated blood"; "curdled milk"; "grumous blood"

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10 ordeal (noun) a primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control; escape was usually taken as a sign of innocence

(noun) a severe or trying experience

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11 complicity (noun) guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense

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12 pretentious (adjective) intended to attract notice and impress others; "an ostentatious sable coat"

(adjective) making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction; "a pretentious country house"; "a pretentious fraud"; "a pretentious scholarly edition"

(adjective satellite) of a display that is tawdry or vulgar

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13 sanguinary (adjective satellite) marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed; "bloody-minded tyrants"; "bloodthirsty yells"; "went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood"-G.W.Johnson

(adjective satellite) accompanied by bloodshed; "this bitter and sanguinary war"

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14 tranquil (adjective satellite) free from disturbance; "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruf

(adjective satellite) characterized by absence of emotional agitation; "calm acceptance of the inevitable"; "remained serene in the midst of turbulence"; "a serene expression on her face"; "she became more tranquil"; "tranquil life in the country"

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15 duteous (adjective satellite) willingly obedient out of a sense of duty and respect; "a dutiful child"; "a dutiful citizen"; "Patient Griselda was a chaste and duteous wife";

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16 parentage (noun) the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"

(noun) the kinship relation of an offspring to the parents

(noun) the state of being a parent; "to everyone's surprise, parenthood reformed the man"

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17 outbreak (noun) a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition); "the outbreak of hostilities"

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18 enthrone (verb) provide with power and authority; "They vested the council with special rights"

(verb) put a monarch on the throne; "The Queen was enthroned more than 50 years ago"

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19 enthuse (verb) utter with enthusiasm

(verb) cause to feel enthusiasm

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20 diffident (adjective satellite) lacking self-confidence; "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed"; "problems that call for bold not timid responses"; "a very unsure young man"

(adjective satellite) showing modest reserve; "she was diffident when offering a comment on the professor's lecture"

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21 possessive (adjective satellite) desirous of owning; "small children are so possessive they will not let others play with their toys"

(adjective satellite) having or showing a desire to control or dominate; "a possessive parent"

(adjective) serving to express or indicate possession; "possessive pronouns"; "the genitive endings"

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22 auricular (adjective) pertaining to an auricle of the heart; "auricular fibrillation"

(adjective) relating to or perceived by or shaped like the organ of hearing; "my apprehension of words is auricular; I must hear what I read"- George Santayana; "an auricular confession"; "an auricular appendage"

(adjective) of or relating to near the ear

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23 equivalent (noun) the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is 8 for oxygen

(noun) a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc; "send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps"

(adjective satellite) being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt"

(adjective) equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "an equal number"; "the same number"

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24 denomination (noun) identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others

(noun) a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money; "he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations"

(noun) a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith

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25 vassal (noun) a person holding a fief

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26 foursome (noun) four people considered as a unit; "he joined a barbershop quartet"; "the foursome teed off before 9 a.m."

(noun) the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one

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27 presage (noun) a sign of something about to happen; "he looked for an omen before going into battle"

(noun) a foreboding about what is about to happen

(verb) indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"

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28 alternative (noun) one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen; "what option did I have?"; "there no other alternative"; "my only choice is to refuse"

(adjective satellite) necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities; "`either' and `or' in `either this or that'"

(adjective satellite) pertaining to unconventional choices; "an alternative life style"

(adjective satellite) allowing a choice; "an alternative plan"

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29 endurance (noun) the power to withstand hardship or stress; "the marathon tests a runner's endurance"

(noun) a state of surviving; remaining alive

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30 decimal (noun) a number in the decimal system

(noun) a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10

(adjective satellite) divided by tens or hundreds; "a decimal fraction"; "decimal coinage"

(adjective satellite) numbered or proceeding by tens; based on ten; "the decimal system"

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31 upheave (verb) lift forcefully from beneath

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32 animate (verb) give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health"

(verb) make lively; "let's liven up this room a bit"

(verb) give life-like qualities to; "animated cartoons"

(verb) heighten or intensify; "These paintings exalt the imagination"

(adjective) endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness; "the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage"- T.E.Lawrence

(adjective) endowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life; "we are animate beings"

(adjective) belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings; "the word `dog' is animate"

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33 syneresis (noun) the separation of liquid from a gel that is caused by contraction (as in cheese making)

(noun) the contraction of two vowels into a diphthong

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34 foresail (noun) the lowest sail on the foremast of a square-rigged vessel

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35 diaphanous (adjective satellite) so thin as to transmit light; "a hat with a diaphanous veil"; "filmy wings of a moth"; "gauzy clouds of dandelion down"; "gossamer cobwebs"; "sheer silk stockings"; "transparent chiffon"; "vaporous silks"

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36 municipality (noun) people living in a town or city having local self-government

(noun) an urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government

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37 extensive (adjective satellite) large in number or quantity (especially of discourse); "she took copious notes"; "extensive press coverage"; "a subject of voluminous legislation"

(adjective satellite) having broad range or effect; "had extensive press coverage"; "far-reaching changes in the social structure"; "sweeping reforms"

(adjective satellite) great in range or scope; "an extended vocabulary"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "extensive examples of picture writing"; "suffered extensive damage"; "a wide selection"

(adjective satellite) large in spatial extent or range; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"

(adjective) of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type"

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38 federate (verb) unite on a federal basis or band together as a league; "The country was federated after the civil war"

(verb) enter into a league for a common purpose; "The republics federated to become the Soviet Union"

(adjective satellite) united under a central government

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39 vendor (noun) someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

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40 acquittal (noun) a judgment of not guilty

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41 anthracite (noun) a hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat

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42 prohibition (noun) the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof); "they were restrained by a prohibition in their charter"; "a medical inhibition of alcoholic beverages"; "he ignored his parents' forbiddance"

(noun) a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages; "in 1920 the 18th amendment to the Constitution established prohibition in the US"

(noun) a decree that prohibits something

(noun) refusal to approve or assent to

(noun) the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment

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43 dominant (noun) (music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale

(adjective) exercising influence or control; "television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion"; "the dominant partner in the marriage"

(adjective) of genes; producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar

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44 abominate (verb) find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats"

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45 atheism (noun) a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

(noun) the doctrine or belief that there is no God

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46 massacre (noun) the savage and excessive killing of many people

(verb) kill a large number of people indiscriminately; "The Hutus massacred the Tutsis in Rwanda"

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47 ponderous (adjective satellite) having great mass and weight and unwieldiness; "a ponderous stone"; "a ponderous burden"; "ponderous weapons"

(adjective satellite) slow and laborious because of weight; "the heavy tread of tired troops"; "moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot"; "ponderous prehistoric beasts"; "a ponderous yawn"

(adjective satellite) labored and dull; "a ponderous speech"

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48 menace (noun) a threat or the act of threatening; "he spoke with desperate menace"

(noun) something that is a source of danger; "earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan"

(verb) act in a threatening manner; "A menacing person"

(verb) express a threat either by an utterance or a gesture; "he menaced the bank manager with a stick"

(verb) pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is endangering the crops"

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49 foreigner (noun) a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

(noun) someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group

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50 noticeable (adjective) capable or worthy of drawing attention; "noticeable shadows under her eyes"; "noticeable for its vivid historical background"; "a noticeable lack of friendliness"

(adjective) undesirably noticeable; "the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child"; "equally obtrusive was the graffiti"

(adjective satellite) capable of being detected; "after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued"

(adjective satellite) readily noticed; "a noticeable resemblance"

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51 fervent (adjective satellite) extremely hot; "the fervent heat...merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems"- Nathaniel Hawthorne; "set out...when the fervid heat subsides"- Frances Trollope

(adjective satellite) characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a burning enthusiasm"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"

(adjective satellite) sincerely or intensely felt; "a cordial regard for his visitor's comfort"; "a cordial abhorrence of waste"; "a fervent hope"

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52 prodigious (adjective satellite) so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe; "colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple"; "has a colossal nerve"; "a prodigious storm"; "a stupendous field of grass"; "stupendous demand"

(adjective satellite) far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; "a night of exceeding darkness"; "an exceptional memory"; "olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy"; "the young Mozart's prodigious talents"

(adjective satellite) of momentous or ominous significance; "such a portentous...monster raised all my curiosity"- Herman Melville; "a prodigious vision"

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53 successor (noun) a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone

(noun) a person who inherits some title or office

(noun) a person who follows next in order; "he was President Lincoln's successor"

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54 boorish (adjective satellite) ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; "was boorish and insensitive"; "the loutish manners of a bully"; "her stupid oafish husband"; "aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude"

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55 lyre (noun) a harp used by ancient Greeks for accompaniment

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56 gravity (noun) a manner that is serious and solemn

(noun) a solemn and dignified feeling

(noun) (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface; "the more remote the body the less the gravity"; "the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the p

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